Recherches & publications | Publication | 1996~2006
Bergevin, T., Gupta, R., Derevensky, J., & Kaufman, F. (2006). Adolescent gambling: Understanding the role of stress and coping. Journal of Gambling Studies, 22, 195-208.
Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2006). Measuring gambling problems amongst adolescents: Current status and future directions. International Gambling Studies, 6, 201-215.
Derevensky, J., Gupta, R., & Martin, I. (2006). Youth Gambling: An Awareness and Prevention Workshop. Level II-Revised, High School version. CD-ROM Presentation and Teacher's manual.
Dickson, L., & Derevensky, J. (2006). Preventing adolescent problem gambling: Implications for school psychology. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 21(1/2), 59-72.
Gupta, R., Derevensky, J., & Ellenbogen, S. (2006). Personality characteristics and risk-taking tendencies among adolescent gamblers. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 38(2), 201-213.
Messerlian, C., Derevensky, J. (2006). Evaluating the role of social marketing campaigns to prevent youth gambling problems: A qualitative study. International Journal of Mental Health, 4, 294-306.
Ste-Marie, C., Gupta, R., & Derevensky, J. (2006). Anxiety and social stress related to adolescent gambling behavior and substance use. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Use, 16(4), 55-74.
Turchi, R.M., & Derevensky, J. (2006). Youth gambling: Not a safe bet. Current Opinions in Pediatrics, 18, 454-458.
Wilson, D., Ross, N., Gillialand, J., Derevensky, J., Gupta, R. (2006). Video lottery terminal access and gambling among high school students in Montreal. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 97(3), 202-206.
Journal Articles
Byrne, A., Dickson, L., Derevensky, J., Gupta, R., & Lussier, I. (2005). An examination of social marketing campaigns for the prevention of youth problem gambling. Journal of Health Communication, 10, 681-700.
Derevensky, J., & Gillespie, M. (2005). Gambling in Canada. International Journal of Mental Health & Addiction, 3(1), 3-14.
Magoon, M., Gupta, R., & Derevensky, J. (2005). Juvenile delinquency and adolescent gambling: Implications for the juvenile justice system. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 32(6), 690-713.
Messerlian, C. & Derevensky, J. (2005). Youth gambling problems: A public health perspective. Journal of Gambling Studies, 14, 97-116.
Messerlian, C., Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2005). Youth gambling problems: A public health framework. Health Promotion International, 20(1), 69-79.
Book Chapters
Chevalier, S., Martin, I., Gupta, R., & Derevensky, J. (2005). Jeux de hasard et d'argent. In Dubé, G. (Ed.) Enquête québécoise sur le tabagisme chez les élèves du secondaire (2004). Québec : Institut de la statistique du Québec, 131-146.
Journal Articles
Chevalier, S., & Griffiths, M. (2004). Why don't adolescents turn up for gambling treatment (revisited)? eGambling: The Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues.
Derevensky, J., Gupta, R., & Magoon, M. (2004). Adolescents problem gambling: Legislative and policy decisions. Gambling Law Review, 8(2), 107-117.
Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2004). Adolescents with gambling problems: A review of our current knowledge. e-Gambling: The Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues, 10, 119-140.
Derevensky,J., & Gupta, R. (2004). The chase: Adolescents with gambling problems. e-Gambling:The Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues.
Dickson, L., Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2004). Youth gambling problems: A harm reduction prevention model. Addiction Research & Theory, 12, 305-316.
Dickson, L., Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2004). Harm reduction for the prevention of youth gambling problems: Lessons learned from adolescent high-risk prevention programs. Journal of Adolescent Research, 19(2), 233-263.
Felsher, J., Derevensky, J. & Gupta, R. (2004). Lottery participation by youth with gambling problems: Are lottery tickets a gateway to other gambling venues? International Gambling Studies, 4, 109-126.
Felsher, J., Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2004). Lottery playing amongst youth: Implications for prevention and social policy. Journal of Gambling Studies, 20(2), 127-153.
Gupta, R., Derevensky, J., & Marget, N. (2004). Coping strategies employed by adolescents with gambling problems. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 9, 115-120.
Hardoon, K, Gupta, R., & Derevensky, J. (2004). Psychosocial variables associated with adolescent gambling: A model for problem gambling. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 18(2).
Messerlian, C., Byrnes, A., & Derevensky, J. (2004). Gambling, youth and the Internet: Should we be concerned? Canadian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review, 13(1), 3-6.
Messerlian, C., Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2004). A public health perspective for youth gambling: A prevention and harm minimization framework. International Gambling Studies, 4, 147-160.
Nower, L., Gupta, R., Blaszczynski, A., & Derevensky, J. (2004). Suicidality ideation and depression among youth gamblers: A preliminary examination of three studies. International Gambling Studies, 4(1), 69-80.
Nower, L., Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2004). The relationship of impulsivity, sensation seeking, coping and substance use in youth gamblers. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 18(1), 49-55.
Wood R., Gupta, R., Derevensky, J., & Griffiths, M. (2004). Video game playing and gambling in adolescents: Common risk factors. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 14, 77-100.
Book Chapters
Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2004). The measurement of youth gambling problems: Current instruments, methodological issues and future directions. In J. Derevensky & R. Gupta (Eds.), Gambling problems in youth: Theoretical and applied perspectives. NY: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, 121-144.
Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (Eds.) (2004). Gambling problems in youth: Theoretical and applied perspectives. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Derevensky, J., Gupta, R., & Dickson, L. (2004). Adolescent gambling problems: Prevention and treatment implications. In J. E. Grant & M. N. Potenza (Eds.), Understanding and treating pathological gambling. Washington, DC: APPI press, 159-168.
Derevensky, J., Gupta, R., Dickson, L., & Deguire, A-E. (2004). Prevention efforts toward reducing gambling problems. In J. Derevensky & R. Gupta (Eds.), Gambling problems in youth: Theoretical and applied perspectives. NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 211-230.
Derevensky, J., Gupta, R., Messerlian, C., & Gillespie, M. (2004). Youth gambling problems: A need for responsible socially policy. In J. Derevensky & R. Gupta (Eds.), Gambling problems in youth: Theoretical and applied perspectives. NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 231-252.
Gupta, R., & Derevensky, J. (2004). A treatment approach for adolescents with gambling problems. In J. Derevensky & R. Gupta (Eds.), Gambling problems in youth: Theoretical and applied perspectives. NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Journal Articles
Derevensky, J., Gupta, R., & Winters, K. (2003). Prevalence rates of youth gambling problems: Are the current rates inflated? Journal of Gambling Studies, 19(4), 405- 425.
Felsher, J., Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2003). Parental influences and social modeling of youth lottery participation. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 13, 361-377.
Hardoon, K., Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2003). Empirical vs. perceived measures of gambling severity: Why adolescents don't present themselves for treatment. Addictive Behavior, 28, 933-946.
Book Chapters
Derevensky, J., Gupta, R., Hardoon, K., Dickson, L., & Deguire, A-E. (2003). Youth gambling: Some social policy issues. In G. Reith (Ed.), Gambling: Who wins? Who loses? New York: Prometheus Books.
Derevensky, J., Gupta, R., Dickson, L., Hardoon, K., & Deguire, A-E. (2003). Understanding youth gambling problems: A conceptual framework. In D. Romer (Ed.), Reducing adolescent risk. California: Sage Publications, pp. 239-246.
Journal Articles
Deguire, A-E. (2002). Les jeux de hasard et d'argent : un véritable problème pour les jeunes. Ressources et vous. Société de criminologie du Québec, 7(3), 9-11.
Ste-Marie, C., Gupta, R., & Derevensky, J. (2002). Anxiety and social stress related to adolescent gambling behavior. International Gambling Studies, 2(1), 123-141.
Hardoon, K., & Derevensky, J. (2002). Child and adolescent gambling behavior: Our current knowledge. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 7(2), 263-281.
Dickson, L., Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2002). The prevention of youth gambling problems: A conceptual model. Journal of Gambling Studies, 18(2), 97-159.
Wood, R. T. A., Griffiths, M., Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2002). Accounts of the U.K. National Lottery and scratchcards: An analysis using Q-sorts. Journal of Gambling Studies, 18(2), 161-184.
Book Chapters
Devensky, J., Gupta, R., & Della-Cioppa, G. (2002). A developmental perspective on gambling behavior in children and adolescents. In J. Moratta, J. Cornelieus & W. Eadington (Eds.), The downside: Problem and pathological gambling. Nevada: University of Nevada Press, pp. 411-428.
Journal Articles
Hardoon, K., & Derevensky, J. L.(2001). Social Influences involved in children's gambling behavior. Journal of Gambling Studies, 17(3), 191-215.
Baboushkin, H., Hardoon, K., Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2001). Underlying cognitions in gambling behavior amongst University students. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31, 1-23.
Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2001). Le probleme de jeu touche aussi les jeunes. Psychologie Quebec, 18(6), 23-27.
Shaffer, H. J., Dickson, M., Derevensky, J., Winters, K., George, E., Karlins, M., & Bethune, W. (2001). Considering the ethics of public claims: An appeal for scientific maturity. Journal of Gambling Studies, 17(1), 1-4.
Hardoon, K., Baboushkin, H., Derevensky, J. & Gupta, R. (2001).Underlying cognitions in the selection of lottery tickets. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57, 749-763.
Wood, R. T. A.. & Griffiths, M. D. (2001). Adolescent gambling in the National Lottery: Attitude formation and related psychosocial factors. Social Psychology Review, 3, 48-56.
Journal Articles
Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2000). Prevalence estimates of adolescent gambling: A comparison of the SOGS-RA, DSM-IV-J, and the G.A. 20 Questions. Journal of Gambling Studies, 16(2/3), 227-251.
Griffiths, M. D., & Wood, R. T. A. (2000). Risk factors in adolescence: The case of gambling, video game playing and the internet. Journal of Gambling Studies, 16(2/3), 199-225.
Gupta, R., & Derevensky, J. L. (2000). Adolescents with gambling problems: From research to treatment. Journal of Gambling Studies, 16(2/3), 315-342.
Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2000). Youth gambling: A clinical and research perspective. e-Gambling: The Electronic Journal of Gambling Issue, 2, 1-10.
Journal Articles
Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R., (1999). Youth gambling problems: A new issue for school psychologists. Nova Scotia Psychologist, 12(11), 8-11.
Griffiths, M. D., & Wood, R. T. A. (1999). Lottery gambling and addiction: An overview of European research: Report compiled for The Association of European National Lotteries (AELLE) Lausanne, Switzerland. Available on CD-ROM AELLE Euorpean Congress, Malta, 1999.
Powell, G. J., Hardoon, K., Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (1999). Gambling and risk taking behavior of University students. Substance Use and Misuse, 34(8), 1167-1184.
Journal Articles
Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (1998). Child and adolescent gambling problems: A program of research. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 14(1), 55-58.
Derevensky, J., Tsanos, A., & Handman, M. (1998). Children with cancer: An examination of their coping and adaptive behavior. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 16(1), 37-61.
Caro, P., & Derevensky, J. L. (1998). An exploratory study using the Sibling Interaction Scale: Observing interactions between siblings with and without disabilities. Education and Treatment of Children, 20(4), 383-403.
Griffiths, M. D., & Wood, R. T. A. (1998). Adolescent gambling on the National Lottery. Education and Health, 16(4), 53-56.
Gupta, R., & Derevensky, J. L. (1998). Adolescent gambling behavior: A prevalence study and examination of the correlates associated with problem gambling. Journal of Gambling Studies, 14(4) 319-345.
Herman, J., Gupta, R., & Derevensky, J. (1998). Children's cognitive perceptions of gambling using a 6/49 task. Journal of Gambling Studies, 14(3), 227-244.
Gupta, R., & Derevensky, J. L. (1998). An empirical examination of Jacobs' General Theory of Addictions: Do adolescent gamblers fit the theory? Journal of Gambling Studies, 14(1) 17-50.
Wood, R. T. A.. & Griffiths, M. D. (1998). The acquisition, development and maintenance of lottery and scratchcard gambling in adolescence. Journal of Adolescence, 21, 265-273.
1996 ~ 1997
Journal Articles
Derevensky, J., & Deschamps, L. (1997). Young adults from divorced and intact families: Perceptions about preferred custodial arrangements. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 27(1/2), 105-122.
Derevensky, J., & Leckerman, R. (1997). Teachers' differential use of praise and reinforcement based on students abilities. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 13, 15-27.
Gupta, R., & Derevensky, J. (1997). Familial and social influences on juvenile gambling behavior. Journal of Gambling Studies, 13(3), 179-192.
Hughes, S., Derevensky, J., Dongier, S., & Boucher, C. (1997). The effect of maternal psychopathology on the coping behavior of infants and toddlers. Infant Mental Health Journal, 18(1), 58-75.
Kurtz, L., & Derevensky, J. (1997). Access by noncustodial parents: Effects upon children's post-divorce coping resources. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 27(1/2), 43-56.
Derevensky, J., Gupta, R., & Della-Cioppa, G. (1996). A developmental perspective on gambling behavior in children and adolescents. Journal of Gambling Studies, 12(1), 49-66.
Gupta, R., & Derevensky, J. (1996). The relationship between gambling and video game playing behavior in children and adolescents. Journal of Gambling Studies, 12(4), 375-394.
Oshima-Takane, Y., Goodz, E., & Derevensky, J. (1996). Do later-born children delay in early language development. Child Development, 67, 621-634.
Pagani-Kurtz, L., & Derevensky, J. (1996). Child custody: An educational perspective. Canadian Children, 21(2), 27-32.
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