Research & Publications | Publications | 2014
Journal Articles
Derevensky, J., St-Pierre, R., Temcheff, C., & Gupta, R. (2014). Teacher awareness and attitudes regarding adolescent risky behaviours: Is adolescent gambling perceived to be a problem? Journal of Gambling Studies, 30, 435-451.
Gupta, R. & Derevensky, J. (2014). Reflections on underage gambling. Responsible Gambling Review, 1,37-50.
Lussier, I., Derevensky, J., Gupta, R. & Vitaro, F. (2014). Risk, compensatory, protective, and vulnerability processes influencing youth gambling problems and other high-risk behaviours. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 28, 404-413.
Shead, N.W., Derevensky, J., & Paskus, T. (2014). Trends in gambling behavior among college student-athletes: A comparison of 2004 and 2008 NCAA survey data. Journal of Gambling Issues, 29, 1-21.
St-Pierre, R., Temcheff, C., Gupta, R., Derevensky, J. & Paskus, T. (2014). Predicting gambling problems from gambling outcome expectancies in college student athletes. Journal of Gambling Studies, 30, 47-60.
St-Pierre, R., Walker, D. M., Derevensky, J. & Gupta, R. (2014). How availability and accessibility of gambling venues influence problem gambling: A review of the literature. Gaming Law Review and Economics, 18(2), 150-172.
Temcheff, C., Derevensky, J., St-Pierre, R, Gupta, R. & Martin, I. (2014). Beliefs and attitudes of mental health professionals with respect to gambling and other high risk behaviors in schools. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 12, 716-729.
Book Chapters
Derevensky, J. & Paskus, T. (2014). Gambling behaviors of college student athletes. In B. Hainline, (Ed.). Mental Health Handbook of College Student Athletes. Indianapolis: NCAA Press.
Derevensky, J., Temcheff, C., & Bowden-Jones, H. (2014). Addiction, an overview. In A.C. Michalos (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research. Netherlands: Springer Dordrecht Publishing.
Derevensky, J., Theall, L., Stewart, S. & Arbeau, A. (2014). Gambling collaborative action plan for children and youth. In S.L. Stewart, L.A. Theall, J. N. Morris, K. Berg, M. Bjorkgren, A. Declercq et al. interARi Child and Youth Mental Health Collaborative Action Plans (CAPs) for use with the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health (ChYMH) Assessment Instrument, Research Version 1 Standard Edition. Washington, D.C: interRAI.
Griffiths, M. D., Derevensky, J., Theall, L., Stewart, S. & Arbeau, A. (2014). Video gaming. In S.L. Stewart, L.A. Theall, J. N. Morris, K. Berg, M. Bjorkgren, A. Declercq et al. interARi Child and Youth Mental Health Collaborative Action Plans (CAPs) for use with the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health (ChYMH) Assessment Instrument, Research Version 1 Standard Edition. Washington, D.C: interRAI.
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