Research & Publications | Publications | 2010
Journal Articles
Brezing, C., Derevensky, J., & Potenza, M. (2010). Non-substance addictive behaviors in youth: Pathological gambling and problematic Internet use. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 19, 625-641.
Derevensky, J., Shek, D., & Merrick, J. (2010). Youth gambling. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 22(1), 1-2.
Derevensky, J., Sklar, A., Gupta, R., & Messerlian, C. (2010). An empirical study examining the impact of gambling advertisements on adolescent gambling attitudes and behaviors. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 8, 21-34.
Felsher, J., Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2010). Young adults with gambling problems: The impact of childhood maltreatment. International Journal of Mental Health & Addiction, 8, 545-556.
Huang, J-H., Jacobs, D., & Derevensky, J. (2010). Sexual risk-taking behaviors among youth problem gamblers: Empirical results from a national college athlete survey. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39(3), 706-713.
Moubarac, J-C., Shead, N. W., & Derevensky, J. (2010). Bingo playing and problem gambling: A review of our current knowledge. Journal of Gambling Issues, 24, 164-184.
Pagani, L., Derevensky, J., & Japel, C. (2010). Does early childhood emotional distress predict later gambling behaviour? Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 55, 159-165.
Shead, N.W., Derevensky, J., & Gupta, R. (2010). Risk and protective factors associated with youth problem gambling. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 22(1), 39-58.
Sklar, A., Gupta, R., & Derevensky, J. (2010). Binge gambling behaviors reported by youth in a residential drug treatment setting: A qualitative investigation. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 22(1), 153-162.
Sklar, A., & Derevensky, J. (2010). Way to play: Analyzing gambling ads for their appeal to underage youth. Canadian Journal of Communication, 35(4), 533-554.
Volberg, R. A., Gupta, R., Griffiths, M. D., Olason, D. T., & Delfabbro, P. (2010). An international perspective on youth gambling prevalence studies. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 22(1), 3-38.
Book Chapters
Derevensky, J., Gupta, R., & Csiernik, R. (2010). Problem gambling: Current knowledge and clinical perspectives. In R. Csiernik & W. Rowe (Eds.). Responding to the oppression of addiction: Canadian social work perspectives, Second edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press, 359-378.
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