Attitude toward gambling

International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviors

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Parents | Attitude toward gambling

Attitude toward gambling

Children and adolescents are more likely to gamble if they witness adults gambling, and especially if the adults show interest and excitement about gambling. On the other hand, children are put in a better position to judge the potential dangers of gambling if they are taught that gambling is an occasional activity meant for entertainment only, not as a way to make money, and that there are certain risks and negative consequences associated with engaging in gambling activities.

The following are some questions parents might have about gambling.

Attitude toward gambling

If you play cards with your children without betting anything (e.g. money, objects, chores), then the game will be fun, and your children will learn that it is possible to play and have a good time without needing to bet.

What about bingo?

If you organize bingo games for your children and their friends, it is not necessary to give out prizes to winners or players. Often for children, the prize is the pleasure they had sharing this time with you and their friends. This emplasizes the importance of finding fun that is intrinsic to the game, rather than from a material good that is won.

How do I deal with friends or family who offer lottery tickets to children?

It is important not to offer lottery tickets to children and adolescents. Only individuals of legal age (this varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction) are allowed to buy these products. Governments here decided to restrict minors' access to lotteries because of concern that lottery games act as a gateway to more problematic forms of gambling (e.g., sports betting, VLT games). Adolescents and adults with gambling problems frequently report being first introduced to gambling through lottery tickets, often bought by family members. Furthermore, lotteries can give children and adolescents a level of excitement similar to that which problem gamblers seek. Discourage friends and family members from giving tickets to underage children. Make them aware that this is not an appropriate activity or present.